First-time Travels. My passion is traveling so prepare for an adventure-filled journey into the world of an enthusiastic globetrotter, me! Traveling is not just a hobby; it’s my ultimate passion, and I can’t resist capturing every mesmerizing moment with my trusty camera.
Whether it’s the awe-inspiring sights or the little wonders that catch my eye, I’m always on the lookout for unforgettable memories. Check out all my blog posts at my Table of Contents.
My passion
But that’s not all; I’ve taken my wanderlust to the next level by immersing myself in fascinating projects and communities. As a postcrosser, I’ve connected with people from all corners of the globe, swapping postcards that narrate my journeys. My collection has grown so vast that even friends contribute to it from their own adventures, adding to the thrill.
Oh, and did I mention I was a Wikipedian? As a certified volunteer for the Cultural Heritage Mapping project of the Wikimedia Foundation, I’m on a mission to preserve and share the rich heritage of various cultures around the world. It’s a truly fulfilling endeavor!
My background
Beyond exploring, I have a heart for making a positive impact. I’ve worked for organizations like Habitat for Humanity Philippines and Hands On Manila, dedicating myself to meaningful causes. And when I was the Executive Director of the Dr. Pablo O. Torre Foundation, Inc., I had the opportunity to leave a mark in the beautiful city of Bacolod, Philippines.
But that’s not all! I was also a PR practitioner, and my work revolved around promoting the wonders of my beloved country. It’s an absolute joy to spread the word about the Philippines and all its hidden gems.
Although I’ve put that all behind when I settled back in Bacolod and worked from home for an Australian organization, I continued to write, while traveling whenever the opportunity comes.
The Beginnings of my Wanderlust
As a Filipina living in the Philippines and occasionally venturing beyond, my passion for travel sparked at a young age. School breaks meant exciting vacations with my relatives, nurturing the travel bug within me. But it was my time with an international non-profit organization that truly set my wanderlust on fire, offering me the chance to explore diverse countries and cultures.
And you know what? I’ve only scratched the surface of our vast planet! The best part? It means I have endless opportunities for first-time adventures in new continents, countries, cities, and more. Every new destination is a chance to connect with the world, learn, and make incredible discoveries. And of course, I can’t resist documenting my experiences through photos and writing, ensuring every adventure is well-captured and shared.
This travel blog is my way of giving back to fellow travelers, especially those embarking on their first journey. I want to assure them that even the most seasoned explorers were once neophytes, too.
The articles you’ll find here are a culmination of my thoughts, experiences, and observations. They’re precious to me, so please, no copying or reprinting without my permission.
And speaking of photos, those are all my handiwork too! So please, if you’re intrigued by any of my visuals, ask for permission before using them. Once granted, proper credits are a must [Photo by Claire Algarme of https://firsttimetravels.com].
Now, let’s connect! Drop me an email at firsttimetravel@hotmail.com or shoot me a direct message on http://twitter.com/firsttimetravel. Oh, and don’t forget to check out my exciting journey on my Facebook fan page https://www.facebook.com/firsttimetravelsblog and my captivating photos on http://instagram.com/firsttimetravelsblog.
Expanding my horizons
By the way, I’ve been part of some thrilling programs and contests too! I was a proud member of the now-defunct Lonely Planet Blogsherpa program and have won some fantastic experiences through competitions like the Medical Tourism Blog Contest in Thailand and Globe Telecom’s #Wonderful Blog Contest, which took me all the way to Auckland, New Zealand!
And if that’s not enough, I was selected as one of the lucky 30 bloggers to join the cast of the Kerala Blog Express Season 4, hosted by the Kerala Tourism Office in India! It’s been an amazing ride so far, and the adventure never ends.
When I’m not exploring the world, I channel my creativity through freelance writing, so if you have exciting projects, feel free to reach out. You might have even spotted some of my work in publications like Biz Events Asia and Sun.Star Bacolod.
So there you have it, the story of a passionate traveler, amateur photographer, writer, and advocate. I’m thrilled to have you join me on this incredible journey of discovery, learning, and inspiration. Let’s embark on unforgettable adventures together!

You can check some of my works here:
- SunStar Bacolod – https://www.sunstar.com.ph/author/346/1/Claire-Algarme or https://muckrack.com/claire-algarme/articles
- Inc.com – https://www.inc.com/entrepreneurs-organization/8-stages-of-a-champion-in-sports-or-business.html and https://www.inc.com/entrepreneurs-organization/9-leadership-lessons-from-world-cup-soccer.html
- EO Melbourne blog – https://www.eomelbourne.org/blog
- Octane blog – https://blog.eonetwork.org/tag/claire-algarme/
- BizNewsAsia/micenet Asia (Singapore-based publication) – https://issuu.com/bizeventsasia/docs/biz_events_asia_apr_2015; https://issuu.com/bizeventsasia/docs/micenet_asia_october_2014
- Philippine Daily Inquirer – https://lifestyle.inquirer.net/byline/claire-marie-algarme/
- Around the World with 40 Lonely Planet Bloggers E-book – http://media.lonelyplanet.com/pdfs/Around_the_world_40_Lonely_Planet_Bloggers.pdf
- Ikot.ph – https://www.ikot.ph/wonderful-indonesia/
hey claire! i really admire how much you’ve done with your blog! i could spend hours just checking out what you’ve written here. i am definitely interested in a link exchange! in the meantime, thanks for checking out “Beyond Backpacking,” http://beyondbackpacking.com!
Thanks Lauren! I like your blog as well.
By the way, I included your site in my blog roll. Thanks so much!
Hello Dear,
I just came across your Blog.I liked your blog very much and found that we could exchange links. I hope you will exchange links.
If you are interested then reply me and send your links details.
Waiting for reply.
Hi! You can link this blog to your site. Let me know when it’s up. Thanks!
My name is Lidia Nyiri, I work as a PR consultant for travel deals search engine called http://www.travelgrove.com . We’ve recently started a blog for our site at http://www.travelgrove.com/blog and we’re trying to slowly bring it forward in the travel blog community.
I was wondering if you would be interested in exchanging a blogroll link with us. We would put your link into our blog’s blogroll, which would, of course appear on all the pages of our blog and you might do a similar thing for us.
Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,
Lidia Nyiri
Travelgrove PR Consultant
Hi Lidia,
I visited your blog and I must say that I found it informative. Yes, I’m interested in exchanging links with you. I’ll add your link to my blogroll. Let me know when you have placed mine in your site.
I sure do this blog will be an inspiration to other people as I do, thanks for posting, More Power and GB
Excellent blog, very informative. When I was reading your LA blog post, I really enjoyed the part about Universal Studios. It make me think of the movie snap shots. I noticed on that blog you have a Ravable badge. I work for Uptake.com and we have a program that is similar to Ravable, called Travel Gems. I would love to tell you all about it.
Feel free to drop me a line. I think you would be a great fit for our program.
Michelle Hackett
Hi Michelle,
It’s nice to hear from you. I have visited your site and I’d be interested to know about your travel gems. I’ll send you a note on this one. Thanks!
invite you to join our top with traveling , vacation sites: http://www.alltravelingsites.com
Our top have a friendly interface and it offers free web promotion for your site.
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Thank you for your time.
i remember first setting off! wish i had the foresight to check out the travelin comminity online :S 3 1/2 years and still on the road, i feel as if it’s good to give something back, after all we wouldnt have made it so far for so long without some help along the way
i didn’t know you have a wp account too! care to exchange links? happy travelin’!
Sure! I like your blog.
Thanks for visiting.
I work with the onetravel travel blog and we’re interested in having you guest blog for us.
Please contact me if you’re interested.
i remember first setting off! wish i had the foresight to check out the travelin comminity online :S 3 1/2 years and still on the road, i feel as if it’s good to give something back, after all we wouldnt have made it so far for so long without some help along the way
Have added your great Blog to ours, here in the UK. http://www.philippinetrails.com/blog.html
I checked your blog. It’s cool! I’ll add this in my travel links page.
Your site is great! It’s nice to have some blogsherpa representation from the Philippines.
Jason (AlpacaSuitcase)
Thanks Jason! I’m happy to represent the Philippines in our blogsherpa group. It’s good to have bloggers from different parts of the world come together through their passion on traveling and travel writing.
I wanted to say that I’m inspired by your blog. You show a lot of in depth information about travel within the Philippines and abroad. I’ve personally added your link to the list of Individual travelers at our links page http://globenavigation.com/external-links/
I hope you can keep inspiring me, and our surfers in the future. Best luck and wishes on your journeys, keep safe!
With best regards,
Dave from Globenavigation.com
I have added your link to my Travel Links page already. You are under the Travel Resources category.
Thanks Dave!
Great site, really good content here.
Im currently recruiting top travel bloggers to take part in our beta launch. Thetravelpad.com uses social media to promote the best travel content from around the web (i.e. you blog).
If you would like to take a look, provide some feedback in return for some great promotion of your blog, please check here http://www.thetravelpad.com/betalaunch.
Good luck and I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi, stopping by from SITS (and I am a postcrosser as well). I have collected postcards since I was 13 – ummm, 44 years now! Your blog is very nice and I too would love to travel…but since you are and I can read about it, maybe it will wait for me!
Really awesome blog. Congrats on your SITS Day!
Hey Claire,
Thanks so much for writing about Kiss the Sunset Pig! I didn’t know Americans knew about my second book very much. (I’m Canadian and I’ve noticed that Americans are way more familiar with my first book, Kite Strings of the Southern Cross, for some reason.) I read your review on Lonely Planet. I love your blog!
Laurie Gough
Hi Laurie,
Great of you to find my blog.
Welcome to my site and hope you drop by here once in awhile.
To Claire
Hi my name is Mike,
I was looking through your website and thoroughly enjoyed what I saw and read.
I am writing to you because I have a request; do you accept guest blogging? If you do, am I allowed to post professional travel related articles on you website which have links embedded within the text. If this is something you do allow, please let me know the terms and conditions that must be followed and applied.
I work with a number of travel clients and we are encouraging them to develop their own blogs as well as looking for quality sites like yours to post guest articles on. Our emphasis when creating content is on quality, so we would make sure that whatever content we sent your way would be of actual interest and relevance to your readers.
Sites we would be linking to include Travelzoo.com, Fly.com, TravelIndoChina.com, co.uk and .com.au and SelectiveAsia.com
An example is here: http://www.travelwithamate.com/vietnam-cambodia-tours-best
Hope to hear from you soon,
Hi there
My name is Li-Anne, and I find your blog rather entertaining and insightful.
Accordingly, I was wondering if you would like to make a mention of a competition we are running – which I think your readers, and you might find very intriguing: A free holiday into Africa – who wouldn’t want? I sure could do with a little getaway – all expenses paid – know what I’m saying?
The details are all in the link below:
Should you have any other queries – please don’t hesitate to ask me.
thanks for your time – have an awesome day further!
Safe travels!
Hi Claire,
I just want to congratulate you for your fantastic site.
Enjoy where it may bring you as you make others enjoy
where you bring them!!!
Thanks Ko for visiting my site.
Hi Claire,
Really nice read, enjoy talaga basahin. May you have more journeys to come, not just in other lands, but inner voyages as well.
Thanks Gerald! How are you doing now?
Hi there,
I’m working for the online accommodation company Wimdu and we are looking for some additional online exposure. Let me know if this sounds appealing, and we can discuss the exact details of a possible mutually cooperative project.
All the best,
Ate Claire!
I love your blog!!!
I enjoy reading it a lot! Such a great help! 
Thanks Mury! I have more stories to post1 Watch out for them.
hi po, ask ko lang po if tunay or legit ung calamian island tours? friendly and accomodating ba?
ok po ba ang calamian island travel and tours?
Yes, we booked through them & their service is good.
Hello Claire,
So proud to have known this site you’ve made,
awesome .
By going through this, i hope to share some of my travels as well, even some important experiences for those visiting the country, thank you so much once more.
Thank you for visiting my site. I look forward to your travel stories, too!
You created a niche w/in a niche… it set your blog apart bec. first time travellers will be able to relate. Enjoy your journey!
“This travel blog was created to help first-time travelers as they embark on something different. It is an assurance for every tourist and traveler that even the most seasoned one has started out as a neophyte. The articles here are my experiences and observations when I had set foot on a place for the first time.”
It’s nice to see another amazing travel blog to follow
sent you a twitter message ma’am claire.. hope you saw it.