My sister and I were having an early dinner in this relaxed atmosphere – a dining place in a veranda. Every corner and décor screams “homey”. And rightly so, because the diner, Mely’s Garden was situated (at that time) in Mely’s own abode.
[UPDATE 2023: This establishment has closed in this location.]
The food was sumptuous as if my own mother cooked the dishes served. And the price! We couldn’t believe that such mouthwatering food could be so affordable! Mely walked by our table and chatted with us, like an aunt welcoming her nieces. She even gave each of us a piece of santol which was given to her by a young lady.

Fast forward to a few weeks after and there I was with my fellow Negros bloggers at the center of this airy restaurant with chandeliers made of rattan or native materials hanging over us. Mely’s Garden has moved back to its previous location, 6th Lacson St., which has been the restaurant’s home for quite some time. It’s a good move because, for one, there is parking space, and it becomes more accessible with more room for more diners.

Mely’s Garden has been a favorite of many locals and visitors alike. When I just settled back in my home province last year and was still feeling my way around my city of birth, my mother was raving about their delicious dishes that I got curious and eventually tried their food.

Well, my dining experiences with Mely’s Garden is always that of being in a family dinner. One is always surrounded by families partaking of a meal whenever you dine in this restaurant. The food is authentic Filipino and really taste home-cooked.

You can never go wrong with having chicken inasal or grilled chicken on the menu. It’s the most popular local fare, so it’s good to try the different versions in this city. But, hey, there’s a lot to feast on at Mely’s Garden so reserve your appetite for its KBL or Kadios, Baboy, Langka (beans, pork, unripe jackfruit) soup, bangus (milkfish), and other delectable food.

Outside, right by the entrance, fresh seafood is on display wherein you can have it cooked the way you want it to, just like in your own home.

Next time you crave for home-cooked meals where you and your family can bond and enjoy great food, come to Mely’s Garden at 6th Lacson St.