I have seen its façade four years ago for I have been to the building just across the street. This year, I finally had the chance to enter the Lanna Folklife Museum in Chiang Mai where it documents the way of living of ancient Northern Thai tribes.

We began our walk down history lane at the Temple Courtyard for Special Ceremonies. The Lanna way of life is greatly influenced by the people’s practice of Buddhism, which is also evident in their rituals, art and architecture. The room led to another, called the Buddha Image Hall, which shows the pattern of many Buddhist temples. The image is enshrined inside what seems to be an altar-type structure and a huge space is dedicated to worshipers where they can kneel and pray.

A small room contained the many items that are made out of elephant ivory. From combs to religious images, you will find them in this tiny room. We entered another one which showed the Lanna worship offerings. One interesting item there was a banner bearing the animals in the Chinese 12-year horoscope. But instead of a pig, they replaced it with an elephant.

Other rooms showed the Lanna mural painting, as mostly seen in Buddhist temples. Olden literature was written in a fan-shaped paper. The upper floors were more about the tools and appliances of the Lanna folk. There were also displays on their music and lifestyle, including textiles. Different images of the Buddha made out of various materials were also on display.

It was interesting to see how their people lived centuries back. How fascinating to know how advanced they were in their practices and the materials they use during those times.

We felt famished after that tour as it was already noontime. We headed to the nearest eatery and enjoyed the present day-to-day life of the locals.

Thanks for sharing nice views.
Hadn’t heard about this museum before! I was there too, how could I have missed it? Now I need to go back so my trip is complete!